Friday, October 26, 2018

{ Week 8 Assignment - Photo Letters }

Hey Everyone,

Hope you had a good week and got some great photos taken for yourself and the assignment! I love watching what you all are creating as well as what you are taking at home.

This week we are going to do Letters! Sounds basic but once you get the letters taken then you can form a picture word that has some meaning to you.

Have you ever done a word for the year? Heard of this concept? If not...  You pick a word with meaning to you and what you want to accomplish/change this year. It could be very simple or it could be complex.

Some examples:

My word for the past several years has been the same mostly because I struggle with it all the time. I chose SURRENDER. I want to surrender my life in entirety to God and that isnt easy being human. I want to stretch myself and always look to God with everything versus just what I want to give Him. So my goal has been to keep surrendering it all to Him and maybe at some point it will just become a habit versus a task.

What would your word say about you? What would you want it to say about your upcoming school year or life in general.

So with that.. use this format for images only I want you to of course take your own photos with what you find and make them black and white and then piece them together to form your word. Then give a brief or elaborate explanation of why that is your word. If you dont feel comfortable sharing all the reasons why you chose that word that is fine. Just do as much as your willing to share. Please however dont just put nothing.

I hope you have fun with this project!

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