Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Samantha Zellers- Warring with White

Hello! This was an interesting assignment. I wasn't quite sure how to do it, but I did my best, and I'm pretty certain that's what we're going for here. 😅🐈😀 Also, I FOUND THE EMOJIS!!!!!! From now on you all will be blasted with them. Prepare yourselves! Or, better yet, RUN TO THE HILLS!!!!! 😂😹 Ah, references. Follow that Horse!

 A wild Dax appeared! 😂

 Okay, so up top is the same type of picture that went over so well last week- but with a twist. See the slightly dimmer light patches? Yeah, those are window reflections.😍😄
Down below, I actually pulled this off with a negative filter. The black spot is our kitchen light reflecting off our kitchen table. Not terribly interesting, but I loved doing that one- ergo, it appears on the blog.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the mirror one! It could be interpreted lots of cool ways. and I like the #aesthetic. The abstract moving ones are also so cool.


Bekah Castle - Final pictures!!!!!!!