Thursday, October 25, 2018

Hannah- daRK, mySTEriOUS

I thought these metronome ones might count as dark and poetic or something.  A small child fixated by the passing of time or whatever.  These ones he actually sat still, because he thought the clicking and waving was really cool.

You know how "photography tells a story" and all?  Well,

"Look sad."



They're obviously blurry, but regardless, this might be the best set of photos I've ever taken.  I was just trying to take pictures of the piano, but he decided to get in on the action and I'm glad he did.


  1. My favorite one was the globe- the tiny amount of color looks really nice

  2. As per usual- excellent job! I really liked the second flower one and the one with Grace in it. Though... Can't really see how the metronome is dark. If it was in color, one might think he was waiting to go somewhere. It's still pretty cool, though. :)


Bekah Castle - Final pictures!!!!!!!