Wednesday, November 14, 2018

And to Think That I Saw it On Ashton's Streets

Hi there! So this post is, obviously, not the scavenger hunt ones. Meaning, of course, that these are the semester final project pictures! Yay! 🎉🎊🎈🎈🎊🎉
I decided to do my final project on one Mrs. Sherri Stauffer- my piano teacher and former Drama Workshop instructor. This was made interesting because she's also A. a pastor's wife, and B. a rock-solid Christian. I chose to do a 'Day in the Life of' kind of thing because I thought it would be the easiest, most interesting, and least confusing for me. Also it got me out of the house for a whole day. And I drank, like, two cups of hot chocolate in less than 12 hours. 🎊☕😍 Heh.
todothatbecauseshe'sasupercoolpersonwhoiswillingtogoforjustaboutanything. Yay! 🎉🎊🎈🎈🎊🎉
Without further ado*, the pictures!


  1. Lovely story, well told! I felt like I was getting to know her, she seems like such a delightful person! I'm sure she will treasure these photos and the time you spent together.

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Bekah Castle - Final pictures!!!!!!!