Thursday, October 18, 2018

{ For Your Parents ~ Field Trip Info Fall Semester }

Hey Everyone,

We need to plan out our date to go out as a photo family and have some fun taking photos, seeing the sights, and stretching our photography skills.

Now we have 18 kids in our class and I understand that not everyone may be able to go but we will work to have majority go.

I have picked 2 dates. Please let me know by filling out the form I sent with your kids and please return to me asap.

I will pick the date that has the majority able to attend.

The plan is to head out via the train to Chicago for an afternoon. Depending on how many kids go will depend on how many adults I will require to go as well. If you are able to/want to go I welcome you!

I plan to have dinner in Chicago before we head back home so we can enjoy some food and fellowship together.

I hope your child can plan to attend.

There will not necessarily be a make up date for weather reasons but will plan to try again in the spring either way.

I need the forms back by the end of October.

Thank you!!
(Not my own photos; photos just for examples)

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Bekah Castle - Final pictures!!!!!!!