Thursday, November 9, 2017


Branding is very important when working with photographs online and in print. Photographs are taken very often and even so when branded or watermarked. Branding is also very important for your image when you are advertising your products to gain clients. It happens very often that branding can turn off clients without them even knowing your work! If its poorly done or the color is off-putting it can turn people away without a single conversation. 
Here is my last branding or watermark I had for my business. I had changed it from one other logo previously. You learn as you go and you do what you can to always improve your image...because images are EVERYTHING in this business!

What branding sticks out in your head? How about Mcdonalds? Those golden arches say so much and have become a family friendly name without anything else to back it up. They have done that well. What branding sticks out and makes you cringe or makes you not want to use their services because it looks sloppy or first appearance makes you unsure?
Here is some branding changes that are good and bad.
Starbucks has been continually changing with the times and it is still working!

In the end you are not branding like Starbucks per say but you do know just the same who you feel you can trust and who you think you cant. You want to be the first in the photography category so make sure you are growing, learning and always re-evaluating your business, your image and how you are presenting yourself. Otherwise you may get left behind and those who are doing all those things will be making waves, taking all the business and standing out!

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Bekah Castle - Final pictures!!!!!!!